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18 Days Exploring Racial Justice

The Jewish Community Learns Together

Curated and facilitated by 

Tracie Guy-Decker and Yosef Webb-Cohen

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18 Days Exploring Racial Justice is an email-based intro course in anti-racism specifically designed for the Jewish audience. Participants sign up to receive an email a day for 18 Days. Each day's email linked to an article, video, or podcast, and invited reflection or discussion with pointed questions.


In the pilot program in Baltimore, more than 550 people signed up to participate. Each email saw better than 50% click-through rates (with some days approaching 80%). Participants were invited to attend four one-hour zoom sessions facilitated by me and my amazing co-conspirator, Yosef Webb-Cohen.


The participants in our cohort had varying degrees of familiarity with racial justice and antiracism concepts, and we were able to accommodate all. But don't take my word for it. Here are some of the comments on the final survey.


The 18 Days program is perfect for Jewish communities  looking to develop a shared set of tools for understanding race and racism. Developed during the time of COVID, it is born-digital, and we've worked hard to keep it accessible for all levels of technological savvy.


18Days has evolved into the Awareness Accelerator, a self-directed e-course offered by Joyous Justice. If you think it might be right for your community, please get in touch. Let's build something together. 

"This was an excellent series and I hope it can be repeated again so that others can benefit from this experience. Thank you so much for creating and facilitating!"

"Thanks for a beautifully curated, nuanced, and contextualized 18 days. Very very well done."

"Thank you, this was a wonderful, educational experience. I was a little nervous when I signed up, but as the days went on, I feel I learned so much."

"I was floored by this. The high quality content, the variety, the engagement via reflections despite the format, this was incredible!"

"Thank you so very much for opening my head and heart in such a significant way."

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